Sunday, March 28, 2010

HyperText Markup Language

What is HMTL? The language called HMTL, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, is used to write pages for the Web. HTML consists of a set of tags, commands that tell the browser to perform specific functions. The HTML tags go at the beginning and end of the HTML file, the head tags enclose the page title tags, and the body tags enclose the content of the page. Tags enclose within another set of tags are called nested tags. Heading tags cause text to be printed in six sizes, paragraph tags enclose a paragraph of text, and the line break tag starts a new line.

The two kinds of lists used most often are unordered lists and ordered list. The unordered list tags produce an indented list with a browser-supplied character in front of each item, probably a small circle or square. The ordered list tags cause the browser to the number the indented list item in order, usually 1, 2, and so forth. Each item in a list is preceded by a single list item tag.

With HTML, we can create our own Web site. Below link is a tutorial that teaches ue everything about HTML. HTML is easy to learn and you will enjoy it


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